Discover alternative living situations which allow you to produce resilient food, water, shelter, and community systems while bringing in extra income.
Hi! I’m Jen Nobel. Northbound Bloom was born from both personal experience and passion to help others navigate the complexities of land-sharing. While consulting on and designing homesteads for others, my family lived in alternative living situations which allowed us to live a fulfilling life, while sharing land with others.
The cost of land has skyrocketed. While trying to buy land in 2021, we quickly realized we would not be able to follow a traditional homesteading path.
After over a decade of studying, practicing, designing, and teaching permaculture and ecological homesteading, I knew that I was meant to live on the land. However, my family’s dreams of owning an acreage were altered when we realized the cost of land was out of our reach. We have spent the last number of years navigating bylaws, regulations, building codes, and alternative living to find ways to make this lifestyle achievable. The opportunities we have had sharing land with land-owners have been incredible and innumerable.
Land-sharing allowed us to live cheaply, and as such we were able to save up enough to purchase our own property. Now being in the position of land-owner we are excited to share our land as others have done with us. We are also excited to share the wisdom we have gained on how to navigate land-sharing efficiently, build stronger community than you’ve ever dreamed of, and bring in some extra income to boot.